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Imagining a “Post Corona Virus” Global Economy - Prospects & Possibilities Ahead: Leadership Requirements?

As the spread of corona-virus continue to effect day to day lives of individuals in rich and poor communities world-wide, possibly never before in the history, we have experienced mega disruptions in the global socio-economic system in our thought processes, as they relate with politics, government, business, education, ecology and the individual in his/her social setting, - all at the same time, of magnitudes beyond normal comprehension.

When in January 25th this virus drew the attention of the world with the news that 1,354 were affected causing 41 deaths in Wuhan, the responses from government and business leaders at best were lukewarm, and many in an era of globalization chose to view the problem as local problem. Since then COVID 19 has spread rapidly in more than 170 nations, close to 500,000 people of lost their lives and more than 9.5 million are affected by the virus worldwide.

This phenomenon has clearly underscored that we as a civilization have once again failed to respond to “early warning” (however trivial, local or weak, a signal may look) seriously with proactive responses that such situations deserve. Accordingly, this presentation organized around five points, offers a strategic approach businesses and governments must adopt to genuinely address the potential Armageddon.


It is my hope as we engage with realities that COVID 19 has exposed us to, the current dynamic will perhaps inspire humanity to fundamentally re-engineer how human interactions will get transformed across a full range of socio-economic activities from education to healthcare systems, from agriculture to manufacturing and service industries – which could fundamentally redefine relationship between man and nature. I hope we have the will, and I know we have the skills(?).

A few articles, presentations and white papers are available below: