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Triggered by powerful events since the beginning of the 20th century, the changes that are taking place in the global economic landscape are indeed significant, - profoundly changing the process and the dynamic between factors that are influencing the globalization process. Equally significant will be the nature of changes businesses and governments will need to undertake to serve the emerging opportunities, and to offset the rising tensions.

On one hand the new dynamic will create a new wave of middle-class consumers, and drive profound innovations in product design, market mechanisms, and value delivery processes, but on the other hand spread of global terrorism, internet hacking will increasingly haunt and hamper the trust and goodwill between people across societies and nations.

The often contradictory demands of driving growth and providing safety to maintain social and political stability will put governments under profound pressures which businesses, global and/or local have to be increasingly sensitive to. Partha Ghosh hopes that these new requirements will lead to invention of new models of collaboration for both value creation and value delivery between businesses and governments at both local and global levels, - which progressive organizations must actively seek. The exhibit below captures how both value creation and value delivery process have to be dynamically orchestrated transcending interests of a few, to serve the wider interests of multiple stake holders.


Particularly as the world shrinks and get exposed to higher level of economic and political turbulences, the resulting interactions between different human tendencies and inclinations will have profound impact on interpersonal relationships and ways companies do business across the globe. Significantly more softer elements of leadership will be important: - the values and beliefs of the corporation have to be strongly embedded in the decision making architecture of the Global enterprise so that mangers closer to where competitive games are played are fully empowered to be able to make quick and informed decisions.

In order to help leaderships of multinational businesses navigate through the evolving turbulence, Partha Ghosh through:

  • Tailored executive development programs help a Global Company’s country heads to step up their roles along multiple dimensions; so that the future businesses are viewed as truly trusted partners by the various stakeholders in the local environment—customers, local and central governments, NGOs, local and national education systems, —while they enable global coordination of Global assets - hard and soft, technologies – elemental and systems, and corporate goodwill within a full range of stake holders worldwide.
  • Brainstorming sessions help leadership of organizations think through geopolitical geo economic scenarios to design and structure strategic options and collaborative processes, - so that the level of readiness and degree of agility to execute “winning moves” are significantly enhanced.

Organizations must embrace a variety of business and organizational models that are each adaptive towards each other and, as whole, adaptive to emerging global challenges. Ghosh believes that forward looking global businesses will continually need to learn how to navigate through complex global and local forces to define innovative mechanisms to create sustainable competitive advantage in “organization IQ”. Through involved workshops to evolve “next phase Globalization process”, Dr. Ghosh helps organizations adopt what he calls the “Global Flow” model. (Exhibit below)


The “flow model” as the name signifies, views the global enterprise as a “flow process” which continually harnesses unique resources from different regions (in harmony with local expectations) of the world, manages the convergence of the relevant resources on global innovation platform to continually create a diverging range of value propositions tailored for local environments. Such a flow process will enable on one hand global division and development of labor, and on other hand enable conservation and expansion of knowledge at both local and global level. In the process in the next phase of globalization organizations will enable global orchestration of hybrid (Global and local) supply chains. Dr. Ghosh through workshops in multiple locations of the global enterprise hopes to create the next model of the Global enterprise with more emphasis interconnectedness of thoughts and transcendence.

Most importantly, in order to achieve such a dynamic state, businesses will need to develop innovative mechanisms to cultivate leaders with wider skill sets and “behavioral and attitudinal” resiliency both at the field and at the headquarter levels, while ensuring that organizational capabilities in terms of sensing, processing and pursing opportunities at different levels of integration and differentiation are continually renewed and are sensitive to the complex and turbulent geopolitical instincts.